Sunday, November 4, 2018

DEMENTIA - today I am angry or should I say pissed?

Our youngest daughter was here recently and when my husband had a appointment with a new Neurologist I asked her to come along because I knew she'd ask questions I would never think of. The new Neurologist in town is young, thorough and wonderful. After several tests no one did before she asked us in her office to show us the MRI of his brain that  his original doctor ordered and I supplied. She showed us that he had several strokes, not just the two we were told about which landed him in the hospital, the nursing home for rehab, home with home health and then outpatient physical therapy.

His original doctor had diagnosed him with vascular dementia, he said at the time that he didn't like the word Alzheimers. Stupid me I never thought anything of it and didn't question him. He said that the arteries in his head were being blocked hence the vascular dementia.

The new doctor said that his arteries are only 97% blocked which isn't bad for a 97 year old man. She said his diagnosis is Dementia/Alzheimers.

I am angry that the doctors were not HONEST with me, did they think I couldn't take it? I am a child of WWII, spent the first three years of my life in a air raid shelter, we lost our home, went to a small village in the Swabian Albs and lived off the land and the doctor thought I couldn't take it. In my life I've been through hell, I've lived through it, gotten stronger and I am proud of who I have become.

On her last day here my youngest daughter cried her heart out, when I asked her why? She said "you have it so hard." Yes it is, but it isn't as hard as it would be without my husband, so whatever comes my way I'll live through it.

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