Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Oma's Candle

Time flies wether you want it to or not, so today is Sunday October 14.2018, I want to hold on to today, why? How the hell should I know? It rained last night, we needed it and today there are clouds in the sky and I hope that more rain is in the forecast. Living in the desert I miss rain, it has been a while since we had any and the earth soaks it up and the desert will bloom beautifully in spring, all yellow colors, the Brittlebush, the Palo Verde tree and many other plants. There is nothing on the agenda except washing bedding and making my husband breakfast, lunch and dinner today. I consider this a peaceful day, no drama, no confusion except why doesn't this football addict watch football? Instead he is bent over a book of crossword puzzles, he can no longer do them but copies from the back and that is fine, it means he is doing something and can still write.

I see improvement, not in his dementia but in his physical being. I still take him to exercise three times a week and the other day we walked along the lake, we walked about one half mile with sitting on a bench here and there. Now that it's not so hot outside, well walk more often. At exercise they admire this 97 year old man, he is an example to others who are not as fit, it's sad that his memory is not good, but as in everything there are good days and not such good days. I figured out a long time ago that you have to deal with what life hands you and so I've come to a certain kind of peace.

I have conversations with him and don't get answers often, sometimes I notice that he fudges them, gives a generic answer that could cover anything, I think it's fine, at least it keeps the wheels turning. Poker will start again soon and I asked his friends to let me know if he can still play, he's needed a little help in the past and they give it gladly, but the day will come when that will no longer help, it will be okay, because he'll forget that he once played.

It's a dreadful and sad disease for him and his family, he never talks about it, does not express fear or anything else, always accepts what it given, never argues or gives an opinion, that makes me sadder than anything.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

War, Peace, Rejection, Beards, not drinking and driving and whatever else came out of my head.

December 5. 2015 10:45 pm

It seems that if we all "planted Peace" eventually there would be Peace, but my personal thoughts have been that if Peace were financially profitable there would be no wars. Of course we'd have to consider that most wars are started because of religion and the question remains why can't we all accept that we are all different and have different beliefs. Of course it is hard to believe anything when we watch TV and watch a woman being stoned to death in 2015 for whatever crime they feel she committed.

The last time I wrote I talked about Paris and today it is San Bernadino, California. Some believe it was an act of terrorism and the new word of the day is "radicalized" what the hell does that mean? Some say the guy got mad at his co-workers for teasing him about his long beard, really? A guy with a weapons Cache like he and his wife had means they planned bigger things. 

Personally I blame the guys on Duck Dynasty for this whole beard thing, every guy I see on the street has a beard of some kind, why the women stand for it is a surprise to me, the stuff must scratch and itch and be unpleasant. I saw a guy with a bugger hung up in his beard not long ago and wanted to puke right in the Walmart, but then that IS the place where you'd find a guy with a booger in his beard.

I'm lousy with instructions and avoid them whenever I can that's why I can't figure out if anyone ever reads my blog, I never get comments or suggestions like "get the hell out of the blogging business."

This has been the week of feeling rejected, I saw on FB three women I thought were my friends, there they were at lunch at the Wine Garage, what a name, of course drinking their lunch. I asked myself what is wrong with me that I was not invited, is it that I don't drink and drive? If we have people for dinner I might have a glass of red wine but I'd never be stupid enough to drink and drive and I decided a long time ago that I always want to be present and never have to say when I do something stupid "aw I'm sorry, I was drunk". I want to be awake when I mistakes, apologize if I find it necessary or say fuck you I mean what I did or what  I said, but then these three probably have never in their lifetime said "fuck you", they should try it. One day they will be old and hang out in a wheelchair in the nursing home, a kid will come up and look at them and that's when they hurl the old "fuck you" at the kid. I should know, my second career was working in Activities and Social Services in two or is it three different Nursing Homes. I was also an Ombudsman in two different States and responsible for closing a so called "home" down.

I noticed that I write with an accent, English is my second language but this German has been in country so long I should know better, the problem is I seldom re-read what I wrote, I'm just too lazy, so like it or leave it, but I'd still appreciate a comment here or there, positive or negative it does not matter, I'm vain that way. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A day in the life or an ordinary American housewife

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Since I wrote last all hell has broken lose in the world as I am sure that all of you are aware of the Paris tragedy, the downing of the Russian airline, then of course there is the Syrian crisis and European countries are overwhelmed with the influx of refugees and we in America don’t want them. I’m on the fence, on the other hand who knows what lurks under those Burkas, a bearded guy with a big, automatic gun. All I know is that I am happy I live in a small town where that hopefully has not been discovered by the refugees, but who knows how long that will take.

Take Oak Ridge, Tennessee for instance, they had chemical weapons plants, nuclear plants and something else, it was known as the “Hidden City” during WWII and wasn’t listed on any map, perhaps we should send around a petition listing Lake Havasu as the latest hidden city. On the other hand, the world might just be on the verge of going totally nuts. For my opinion all countries need to get together and bomb the hell out of ISIS, of course we’d have to get Obama out from under his desk where he is hiding refusing to acknowledge that ISIS indeed exists and call them by their proper name. I firmly believe that since he started in office racial tensions have escalated cleverly orchestrated by that incompetent excuse of a human being, am I being too harsh? Probably not!

I went to Vegas yesterday to go to the Endocrinologist, I had to look on his card to spell it correctly. 

I went to Dillard’s in Las Vegas and was totally overwhelmed, I realized that I’ve turned into a small town girl (old girl), I was looking for jeans, pants, a top or a skirt and left the store empty handed, it is the season for glitter and gross Santa sweaters, I saw one cute dress but on closer inspection realized it had metallic sparkles in it, I touched it and it felt like a Brillo pad, so not my thing.

The only thing I bought were Sunglasses at the Sunglass Hut, I lost a pair, have a dark pair which on a overcast day is too dark, he showed me some and I asked “how much” and glad I did, he said “$225.00 and I asked him if he was nuts.
“ How much do you want to spend?” I told him no more than 80 bucks, he showed me glasses by Michael Kors, they fit and were 80 bucks on sale. Today I looked in a glass plate on top of the China Cabinet, it belongs on the table and what did I find? The glasses I thought I lost, oh boy, but what do you expect when the day starts out by you opening a window without disarming the security system and all hell breaks lose?

We are getting a new dishwasher, bought a Bosch, it was on sale, the guy from the plumbing company showed up and he looks like a Duck Dynasty guy and is about as friendly as a rock, I told him when he moved out the old one I needed to vacuum and mop under there and his curt reply was “it’s up to you”, it was gross under there, the old one had been in place since 2002 and it’s not like you can pull it out to periodically clean under it.

Did I say the day couldn’t get worse? Of course it could! He didn’t have enough light so I hauled in a ladder, climbed it to open the blind in the kitchen ceiling and broke it, so tomorrow my buddy from Colorado River blinds will come and repair it or we have to get a new one, it is fine in winter, but in summer it turns the small kitchen into an oven.

 I changed beds and am washing like a mad woman. I bought a Fitbit HR and so far today in the house I have logged 1.33 miles, yesterday despite driving 5 hours I managed almost 10,000 steps which is my goal, I figure it’s the only way I will drop pounds. The trainer I hired at the club is working me like a dog and I feel like I want to crawl out of there when he gets through with me but of course it would be too humiliating to crawl out of the club, it’s never been done before.

Well as far as news goes, I am tapped out.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Wow it has been a while since I've had something to say.....

Either that or I've been too lazy to write or didn't think I had anything of interest. I went back to pottery for two classes and then gave it up, can't seem to find the time or the will to clean out my studio. I made the effort once and still have buckets I emptied of glazes outside.

Right now I'm busy watching workers jackhammer the pool down to the dement, then it will get new coating, new lights, pop ups and everything else. After fifteen years it was needed. When I look back I wonder what I was thinking putting in a pool this large. Of course fifteen years ago I swam an hour each day, at 74 years of age and needing therapeutic temperatures of 88 degrees of better yet 89, I don't go in as often as I could or should, cold whether water or air conditioning is painful for my joints and restricts my movement.

Today people need to go out and vote, don't know how many think that "my one vote won't make a difference" I beg to differ. I became a citizen in 1963 or 64 and I have always voted. I may have switched parties once because the one I joined became an embarrassing disappointment

Lake Havasu City's 2015 Balloon Festival

What a wonderful weekend, the flying weather was perfect and we had about sixty Balloonists from all over. Here are just a few special ones. When I think back to the first year of the festival I remember that it was still unknown and quite a few fewer balloons. The curiosity was high and so was the locals hope that it will continue. I would say it was a huge success all around.

Fake Boobs, fake butts and fake lips what will the people look like in the future?

Nothing seems real anymore and I wonder how it will look in the future when a 17 year old gets her lips pumped up so she can look poutier, or a mother brags in pre-surgery that her 16 year old saved her money so she can have boob implants and when have we ever paid so much attention to butts?

I know in some cultures especially women a big butt is the norm, but why have butt implants or buy panties with fake butt in them. I can see the men of the future salivating at a gorgeous woman, big boobs, pouty lips and a bit butt. He finally gets her in the sack and wow, the gorgeous girl he admired is now naked before him and there is nothing real, nothing from her eyelashes and tattooed eyebrows to her butt and let's not forget you can have your knees lifted as well so they look young and fresh.

I was a young girl once and yes, it was a looooong time ago, but I remember never paying attention to my naked body, were my boobs big enough, my butt round enough and my lips pouty enough?

I want and am aging naturally, yes I have wrinkles and things are no longer as firm as when I was thirty, fifty, sixty, but when I get cremated you won't smell plastic burning, ashes to ashes and dust to dust, that will be me. I want to be remembered in stories my children and grandchildren remember, flattering or not. I want to be remembered for the 45 or so years I spent volunteering in the worst areas where I saw things I never want to see again. I do not want to be remembered for the plastic smell rising through the chimney.
This was my beginning.